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What does 700c mean for a bike?

What does 700c mean for a bike?


Ever heard of 700c and wondered what it signifies? Well, you're not alone. This term, ubiquitous in the cycling world, has caused many curious brows to furrow. So, what does "700c" mean? Let's unravel this mystery together.

History of 700c

Dating back to the 19th century, the term "700c" originates from an old French tire sizing system. This nomenclature initially included a wide range of sizes such as 700a, 700b, and 700c, where the letters indicated the width of the tire. However, over time, "700c" became the standard.

The Meaning of 700c

Common mistake made by riders is confusing the “c” in 700c with centimeters. It is important to note that this is not the case. The “c” in 700c refers to the nominal tire diameter in millimeters, which is approximately 622mm. This tire size is commonly used on road bikes and provides a good balance between speed and comfort. In fact, it is considered the standard size for road bikes. It is important to make sure that your bike tires are the correct size in order to ensure optimal performance and safety during rides.

700c in Bicycle Wheel Sizing

Understanding wheel sizing is crucial for cyclists. It influences both the comfort and performance of your ride. Let's take a deeper dive into what 700c implies in this context.

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Diameter and Circumference of 700c Wheels

When we talk about the 700c, we're referring to the bead seat diameter (BSD), the spot where the tire rests on the rim. The "c" doesn't carry a mathematical value but was part of a series including a, b, and c, each denoting a different tire width.

Pros and Cons of 700c Wheels

Like everything else, 700c wheels have their strengths and weaknesses. They typically offer smoother rides and better momentum, but they may not be as sturdy as smaller wheels.

The Influence of 700c in Bike Design

The prevalence of

700c wheels has significantly impacted bicycle design, especially road bikes and some hybrid and touring models.

Considerations When Choosing a 700c Wheel

Several factors should be considered when deciding whether 700c wheels are the right fit for you.

Rider's Height

Taller riders might find 700c wheels more comfortable due to the larger frame size often associated with these wheels.

Riding Style

Your style of riding - whether you lean towards aggressive mountain biking or calm city cruising - also plays a role in this decision.

Bike's Purpose

Lastly, what do you primarily use your bike for? Quick commutes, long touring, or off-roading each come with different wheel requirements.


So, what does 700c mean? It’s a term borrowed from an old French sizing system that has evolved into a standard for bicycle wheels. Remember, cycling is a personal journey. It's essential to choose a bike and wheel size that meets your unique needs and provides the most comfortable and enjoyable ride.

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